The Collapse of Chaos. Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World
The Collapse of Chaos. Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World
- ISBN: 9780140178746
EDITORE: Penguin Books
- AUTORE: Jack Cohen e Ian Stewart
Libro in buone condizioni.
Pagine 495 - copertina morbida.
Dal retro copertina :
Rather than asking science’s traditional question of how to break the world down into its simplest components, Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart ask something much more interesting : Why does simplicity exist at all in a complex world ? Their theory combines chaos and complexity and, surprisingly, derives simplicity from the interaction of the two.
The first half is a witty primer, a guided tour of the Islands of Truth that maps out everything you need to know about science from Newton to present.
The second half dives into the Oceans of Ignorance that surround what is known, almost literally flipping over what you learned in the first section and putting it in a larger context. This unorthodox and adventurous book will enable people to look at the world in a startlingly new way.
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